Here is one room my husband Harry begged to "be" the leading man in! Wonder why, eh?
Oh we've popped in at a uncomfortable time it seems. Harry Van Went is trying to get these 1930-40's models all posed "just so" and the work is hard as you can see!
All around the room are Harry's brother, Vincent Van Gough's, artwork.
It seems that Harry's art follows a different aspect than his brothers! The camera is a new-fangled thing and photography the latest medium. The drooling Welsh Corgi dog loves his job as well! Herding beautiful nudies is a lot more fun than sheep or cattle!
The wall and floor papers and carpet are all vintage from the art deco period. I especially love the wallpaper! The Strombecker flocked deco 3 -piece sofa is bounded on both sides by metal deco lamps that double as salt & pepper shakers! The models have fabulous hair styles and are trying hard to listen to Mr. Van Went's directions. Enjoy the "art"!